beauty is the thing architectarchitectural criticismarchitectural theoryarchitectureart criticismart theoryartisteducatorliterary criticismphilosopherpoetquotes on art and architectureRenaissance mantheoristwriter beauty is the thing "Beauty is the only thing of any importance." -- Phillip Johnson American architect advocating the…Glenn WilliamsJune 30, 2014
but I was just borrowing it architectart criticismliterary criticismquotes on art and architecturewriter but I was just borrowing it “Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.†- - Lionel Trilling American literary critic, writer, teacher…Glenn WilliamsJune 28, 2014
on skeuomorphism architectarchitectural criticismarchitectural theoryarchitectureartistquotes on art and architecturewriter on skeuomorphism "American architecture is the art of covering one thing with another thing to imitate a…Glenn WilliamsJune 27, 2014
another instance of circular thinking artistpoet another instance of circular thinking "Our heads are round so that our thinking can change directions." Â - - Francis Picabia…Glenn WilliamsJune 26, 2014
on managing expectations architectart theoryartistinventorquotes on art and architectureRenaissance mantheorist on managing expectations "The supreme misfortune is when theory outstrips performance."Â Â - - Leonardo da Vinci, (first a Florentine)…Glenn WilliamsJune 25, 2014
Mammon architectarchitectural criticismarchitectural theoryarchitecturefinancequotes on art and architecture Mammon "The 20th century hasn't built for men; it has built for money." - - Le…Glenn WilliamsJune 23, 2014
the man of many masks and a recluse architectural theoryarchitecturewriter the man of many masks and a recluse "Had I been taller, all my buildings probably would have been proportionally taller." Â - -…Glenn WilliamsJune 22, 2014
a bit of American existentialism architectural criticismart criticismquotes on art and architecture a bit of American existentialism "Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from…Glenn WilliamsJune 21, 2014
I’m confused – is it less or is it more? architectarchitectural criticismarchitectural theoryarchitectureart theoryartistquotes on art and architecturewriter I’m confused – is it less or is it more? "I could count twenty such On twice your fingers, and not leave this town, Who…Glenn WilliamsJune 20, 2014
beginning at the middle architectural criticismquotes on art and architecture beginning at the middle "Form follows function." - - Louis Sullivan American architect Louis Henry Sullivan "Form follows fiasco.'…Glenn WilliamsJune 19, 2014
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