what was the question? artistinventorpoetquotes on art and architecturewriter what was the question? "Art is solving problems that cannot be formulated before they have been solved. The shaping…Glenn WilliamsJuly 17, 2014
on modernism architectarchitectural criticismarchitectural theoryarchitecturephilosopherpsychiatryquotes on art and architectureroyalty on modernism "What we sense to be modern in American architecture is to the American architect an…Glenn WilliamsJuly 14, 2014
keep it straight educatorliterary criticismwriter keep it straight "In art as in politics, well-meant, noble sounding errors can devalue the world." - - John…Glenn WilliamsJuly 4, 2014
when do we eat? artistquotes on art and architecturewriter when do we eat? "An artist without ideas is a mendicant; barren, he goes begging among the hours." - - …Glenn WilliamsJuly 2, 2014
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